all is well

I just learned that I will have employment through July! No longer need to worry about that. What an amazing feeling to be supported and advocated for by a supervisor and employer. Far too few good managers in the world. I wish there were more managers like mine out there empowering their staff. My manager is a unicorn. Seriously. She’s magic.

I am glad I surrendered yesterday—and let go of trying to control the outcome. Of course it went the way I wanted it to but, had it not, I would not have lost days of focus, productivity and presence to anxiety.

I am going to make a point to remember “let it be” and “all is well” for the next year of missed trains, luggage flying off the roofs of buses, no vacancies, Delhi belly and other moments that don’t go as planned. This is a big reason why I am taking this trip. I want to power through discomfort. I want to get to a place of peace in moments of stress. So, this pre-trip experiment is a gift, giving me an important tool for my travel mental health toolkit!

All IS well!